2 tons of opium powder
1 ton of cocaine
1 ton of peyote
1 ton of hashish
1 ton of marihuana
100,000 tons of rice
100,000 tons of sugar
100,000 tons of coffee
100,000 tons of cocoa
100,000 tons of cinnamon
100,000 tons of garlic
100,000 tons of oil
100,000 tons of buck-wheat flour
100,000 tons of bananas
100,000 tons of dates
100,000 tons of tuna
100,000 tons of hazelnuts
100,000 tons of walnuts
100,000 tons of figs
100,000 tons of manioc
100,000 tons of Muscat grapes
200,000 tons of pistachios
100,000 tons of chickpeas
100,000 tons of almonds
300,000 tons of rats to stuff the beef, the veal, the lamb, the giraffe, the camel
300,000 tons of mussels
300,000 tons of oysters
300,000 tons of snails
-12 1 1.00 1.30. 1.45. 1/4 1/5 1⁄2 1.30 2 2.00 2, 2.00. 2.25. 2.30/3. 2/3 2/4 2/5 2; 2?). 2nd 2nd. 2.30 3 3. 3, 3,4,5,then 3,4,6,7 3.30. 3.50. 3/4 3/4? 3/5 3rd 4 4, 4.30, 4.30. 4.45, 4/4 4.15 4.30 5 5, 5/3/09 5/4 5.30 6 6. 6.00 6) 6, 6.15. 6.30, 6.30. 6.30/7.00 6.30am, 6/3/09 6/4 6am 6.15 6.30 6.45 7 7.00 7, 7.30, 7/3/09 7/4 7am, 7am. 7pm. 7.15 7.30 7.40 7.45 7.50 8 8. 8, 8.00, 8.15. 8.45. 8.50. 8/3/09 8/4 8; 8.10 8.15 8.30 8.45 9 9. 9.00 9, 9,20 9.00. 9.30, 9.30. 9.40. 9/03 9/4 9pm. 9.10 9.30 9.50 10 10. 10.00 10, 10.08. 10/3 10/4 10/15 10am 10mins 10.20 10.29 10.30 11 11.00 11.00. 11.15. 11.30, 11/3 11/4 11– 11.30 12 12.00. 12.30, 12.30. 12/3 12/4 12.15 12.30 13 13/3 13/4 14 14. 14/3 14/4 15 15/3 15/4 16 16/3 16/4 17 17/3 17/4 18 18/3 18/4 18/5 19 19/3 19/4 20 20,tho 20/3 20/4 20/30 21 21/3 21/4 22 22/3 22/4 23 23/4 24 24/3 24/4 24/5 25 25/3 25/4 26 26/3 26/4 27 27/3 28 28/3 28/4 29 29/3 29/4 30 30/1 30/4 30/40 31 31/3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38; 39 40 40’s 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 79; 80 80. 81 82 83 84 85 89 91/14. 99; 1900. & &7? 'Emergency 'Rattle 'The ( (2 (2,6,10 (7.45) (30/3) (38.2), (& (...)? (...?) (..?) (..?..) (:) (?) (?), (?). (a (Akela (ancient?) (and (been) (cereal (Chris, (deemed (Do (Don (drink (dubious (even (first (Fooling (for (Freud) (full?) (gravy (he (he’s (him?). (Home? (I (I’m (L (last (later (left (may (Mum); (next (normal) (not (now), (often) (on (one (or (Oxford (panel (rapid) (Renoir’s (Rose (small (still (the (this (twice (two) (what (why (with (writing, ) *his , - -. -? -?. -fast -shame, -will .. ..(?)..and ... .... .....?
lizing ....?.. ...? ...?ck ...ing ..?....by / : :- < =
> ? ?, ?. ?.....ing ?/5 ??) ??bushes?, ?batting-to-himself [[PAY [[WHAT ____? A a a-day A. a.m., a?n AAAAMMM AAAHOH abandoned. abdomen abdomen, ability abject able about about, about. ABOUT? about? Above absorbing, absurdity. ac- academic. accent, accent. accents(???) accents: accept access. acci- accident accident, accident....oh accident; accidents accidents? accommodate accompa- account account. accusation ace aches, achey achieved achievement. achieving. acknowledge acknowledged, across across, act action activity ad- adapting add address addressed adenoidal adequate adjoining adjust adjustments. admitted advance; advice advised advised. advocating af- affected, afraid afresh African After after after, After-image afternoon afternoon) afternoon, afternoon. afterwards; AGAIN again again, again. again: again; again? against Agatha, age age-old age. age... ages aggressive agining ago ago, ago. agonies Agonizing agony agreed AHAHAHAHAH air air. ajar, al- alarm alarm, alarms. Alice,* alive alive, All all all, allow allowance? Allowed allowed allowed, ally Almost almost alone alone) alone, alone. along along? alongside aloof, already already. Also also alternative Always always always, always. Alzheimer’s. am am. amateur amazing Ambitious? ambles Ambulance ambulance ambulance. ambulance; among amount amounts amounts, amounts. ample, An an an- analysis analysis. anchor AND And and And, and, anecdotes Angela anger, angle angle, angle. anglepoise angry aniseed Anja ankles ankles, anonymous anoth- Another another Another: anthol- anthology. Anthony anti-lax anti-lax- anti-laxatives antibiotic. antibiotics Antibiotics, anxiety. any any, anyone anyone. Anything anything anything, anything. anything.....?.... anytime, anyway anyway. anywhere, ap- apart apathy apathy. apologise apologised apologise’. appalling. Apparently apparently apparently, apparently. Appeal appeal appeal, appearance appeared appeared, appearing appetising appetite apple application, applied apply applying appoint- appointment approach approach. approval approved approved? April April). Aqueous Archive ARE are area, areas, arm arm, arm. armchairs arms arms, army around around. arrang- arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arranging arrhythmic arrive arrived arrived, arrived... arse, art art; article artwork... As as Asian aside, ask asked asking asleep assertive, assess assess- assessment assistance assistant assisted? Astaire’s At at Ate ate ative Atkins atorially attack? attempt attempt, attend attributes authorisation authorisation. avoid avoided aw- awaiting awake awake. aware away away). away, away. away? Awful awful awful, awkward awkward, awkward. ba- babysat BACK Back back back, back-up back. back; backdrop background background. Bad bad bad! bad, bad; badly badly. Bag' Bag', bag, bag. balance balcony bald ball ballet balls. banana banana, banana. bandage BANG banged banishing Bank banter banter. barely bark, barley barrier bars Barthelme Bartok basis bastard bastard, bastard. Bastards batch bath bath, bath; bathroom bathroom, battery battling baulks bay bay’s BE be be- be. beach, bear beard bear’s beat beaten beautiful beautiful. beautifully became because Becker Becker. become becomes becoming BED Bed bed bed). bed, bed-bound. bed. bed... bedlam Bedpan bedpan bedpan, bedpan. bedroom, beds beds. bedside bedsore bedsores, bedtime, beef Been been been, Before before before, Before- before-bed began begging begin Beginning beginning beginning. begins behalf. behaved behaviour behind being being, being; belches believe believe. bell bell, belly belly. below Ben bend Bengali ber bered. Berlin bers. beside Best best bete(?) betrayal betrayed Better better better, better. better; between beyond Big big big, big-bellied big-headed bigger bike bike, Bill Bir- bird-like birds birds; birdsong, Birmingham, Birmingham. birth birth, birthday birthday, birthday,- birthday. birthday? bis- biscuit biscuits BIT bit bit(?).. bitlike bits bitterly, black black-tipped bladder bladder, bladder. blame bland, blank. blank; blanket, Blast blazing ble bleeping blessing Blimey. blindness bling bling. bliss. blitzed blobs blokes Blood blood blood. blood> bloody bloody, blossom blow blow; blowing blubbering blue blundered blur blur, blurred blurring bly board board, board. boats, Bob Bob. Bob’s body body, body. body... bond. bones, book book, book: bookcase Books books books, bored boredom boredom, boring. boring.) bornness. borrow; borrowed bossy bot- Both both both, bother?), bottle bottle! bottle, bottle. bottle? bottle?( bottles bottles. bottles; bottom bottoms bought bounce bouncy bour’s bow-ells, bowel bowels bowels, bowels. bowels? bowels?” bowl bowl, bowls, Box. boys boys’ braces Brackets brain brand, Branflakes!! Brea break break- break. breakfast breakfast) breakfast, breakfast. breakfast; breakfast? breathing brief briefly. bright bright. bring bringing bringing-up-some- brings Bristol brittle brittle, broadsheets, broccoli; broke Brook brother brother, brothers brought brown browning brusque brusque, brutally brute, bubble bubble, bubbles. bubbling Bucks.(till Bugger, build- building building. buildings bulldozing bumped- bumping, bumpy Burgess buried burnt bursting bursts. bus busi- business business. bustling busy But but but, buttocks buttocks, buttocks. buttoned-up buzzing By by by(?) byhood C c(?) C-diff C-diff, c-diff, C-diff. C-difficile c-difficile!) C-difficile, c-difficile, C-difficile. c...?..sances, caged cake cake. cakes calculated calculated, call Called called called. calling calmed Came came came) came, came. came/physio came; camera Campagne’) CAN Can can can, can. Cancer cancer cancer, cancer. cannula canteen, canula Can’t can’t capsules car caramel Card card cards cards, Care care care, care- Care. care. care? care?’ careers careful, carefully caring Carly carried carry cart case case, cases casionally catch Cather, cau- caught Cauliflower causing CD CD’s CD’s; ceiling. ceive Celia Central cereal ceremonially certain certain- certainly chair chair. chaired challenged. championship, chance chance. chance? chances. change changed changing chap chap- charged charger. charging charging...To Charlbury Charlotte charting chat; cheating, check check-out cheek. cheerful cheery cheery, cheese, Chel- Cheltenham chemical chemist chemo, cherubs chest chest, chest. chided chides childhood children. chimneys, chimp. chocolate chocolate. choice choose. chopped chord, chorus chosen chosen. Chris chucked chucking church church) church; church? Churchill Churchill. churnings, cially cided cidents circle circling clamp Clarks class class). Classic classical clean clean-up clean-up, clean-up. clean-up; Cleaned cleaned cleaners cleaning cleaning-up cleans clear clear- clear. clearaway(?) clearly clearly, clears clenched cli- climb climbing, climbing. cling clinging clock clock, clock; Clooney, close close, close-up, closed, closed. closely closely, closes closes. Closing clothes clots clots; clump Clumsy clumsy clumsy. clutching cock. cockpit, cod, Coelacanth; coincidence? cold cold. Collapsed collapsed collapsed: colleagues colour-coded colours colours, com- comb comb. come come, come. comes comfort comfortable comfortable. COMFORTABLE? coming coming, coming. coming; commission commode commode) commode, company company, comparison, competent complacent complain completely complex complicated composed compost computer computer, con- con. concentrate concentrated concentrates concentrating concer- concern concerned concerned. conditioning conditions. conducted conference confessed confidence confident confines confirm confirmation confirmed confirming confused, confusing confusion confusion, confusion. confusions conk Consent consent consider considerate considered considered, considering consol- Consoled conspir- constantly Constipated constipated constipated.Took constipation? contact contd. content continue continues continuous; contradiction contribute control controls convenient. conveniently convent conversation conversations cool, cooling Cooling, cope cope. copse, copy copywriting corri- corridor corridor, corridor. corridor; corridors corridors. cost costs. costs... cosy, Cotinus, cottage cough cough, cough. cough; Coughing coughing Coughs Coughs: could could(?) couldn’t counselling counter-despair. counts couple courage, course course, course. court courting cover covered covering cow coward Cox? crack cracked, Craftsman’, cram Cranston. crashes, crashing crave craves crawl crawls cream cream, created creative creative. credit creep creeping cried cries. crisis crisp crispies cross cross-country crossed crossword crossword, crossword. crosswords, crowded? crude crumpled crunch. crust crystal crème cuffs. cuits. culture... cup cupboards curbed curbing cured, current cursed curt; curtain curtain, curtained Curtains curtains curtains. cus- Cusson’s custard, custard- yellow custard. custard....only cut cyans cycle. cynical D D, D. D.O.A. d.o.b. DAB Dad Dad), daft damp dance Dances. dangerous dangerous, dangling dappled dark dark, dark-rimmed darker, darkness DARLING darling dashes? date daughters David dawn Day day day, day. day: day; daylight. Days days days, days. day’s de De- de- dead dealership. dealing dealt death, Death. death. Debbie Dec./Jan., decent decide Decided decided decision deco- decorator, dedicated deep deep, deeply deferral. deflected dehydrated, dehydrated. delirious deliver delivered Delta; deluded den, Denis denly Dennis dents, deodorant, departments. depend depended depressingly dered derstood des- description. DeSicas desire Desolation despair despair. desperate despite despondent dessert. detached detail, detailed detect deter- deteriorated deteriorating, deterioration determination determined develop...Enough, diagnosed diagnosis diar? diarrhoea diarrhoea, diarrhoea. diary Did did did, did.. didn’t died dietician differ- difference. different different; Difficult difficult difficult; difficulty digital Dik, dimmed dimming. ding-donger dip dips dipstick direct directly director dis- disability disap- disappeared disappoint- disappointed disappointing disappointment. disbelieving discharge discon- discovered Discreetly discreetly. discussed discussion disease disease, disease. disgusting disillusioned dispensed dispersed displaced disproportionately disqualify dissolved distant distrac- distract distress distress; District disturbing. ditto ditto.... diversion dizzy Dizzy, dizzy, DJ, dling DO Do do do, do. do... do; do? Doctor doctor Doctors doctors doctors, doctors. document. dodges, does doesn’t dog dog? doing doll- dom Don Don) Donaghy DONE done done. done; Don’s Don’t don’t Door door door) door, door. doors doorway; dor. Dore’s dormant Dormouse dormouse dose doses dot double doubt doubt, doubt. Douglas down down, down. downhill downstairs downstairs. doze doze. dozed dozed...so Dozed; dozen dozens dozes, Dozing dozing dozing, dozy, Dr Dr. drafted drain drained. drained; drank drastic, draw draw. draw: Drawing drawing drawing) drawing, drawings drawn draws dreading, dreadnought dream dream-stills. dreams dreams, dress dressed, dressing dressing. dressings drew dribbles dribbling dried drift Driftings drifts drink drink, drink- Drinking drinking drinking; drinks. drip drips dropping drops, drug drug, drug- drugs Dry dry drying ducing dug dumpy dunked dunking. dunnock dur- During during dust dustpan duty DVD DVD...Eating DVD’s Dvorak’s DVT dy- dying, E E. Each each each, eager eager- earlier earlier...he early early, earnest ears. earwax. ease eased Easier easier easily East easy easy, eat eat, eat? eaten eating eating, eavesdropping, Eccles ECG echoing Ed ed ed. edge edges. Edw. Edward Edward? effect effective effective, effects effects) effects. efficiency effort effort. effort: egg. eight Elbows elbows. elderly elegant elegies. Ellis else else, else. Elton email emails embarrassment embroidery emerge, Emerged emergency emerges, emerging emotional emotional, emotional. emotionally emphasized empties, empty emptying emptying, en- en-headed encourage encouragement. end end, end. ended ends; enema enema. energy energy; engage England’s English ening. enjoy. enjoyed enormous enough enough. enough; enquiries enquiring enquiry: ent. entertaining enthusiasm epic episode Episodes equip- equipment er erings, erly eroe’s es especially essence est etc etc, ETC. etc. ethnic etly. Even even Evening evening evening, evening. evening...We evening? evening’s event eventu- eventual Eventually eventually eventually. ever ever, ever. ever; Every every every- everyone’s Everything everything everything, everything. everywhere evil ex- ex-Feminist/ ex-Hippies, ex- OUP ex-St. exactly exasperation, exasperation. exceeded excep- except exception exceptional? exceptions Exchange. excitement exciting excretory excursions exertions exertions. exhaling Exhausted exhausted exhausted, exhausted. exhausting exhaustion, exhibitions expansive expected Expecting expensive experience, experience: expertly, explain explaining explanations exploded exploring explosion express extend extended extension extension. extra extract eye eye. eyeful eyelids eyes E’s f..?..ts. fac- face face(?) face, face. faces facilities fact fact, factor faded Fading faggot faggots, fail failing fails? failure failure, failures; Faint faint fairly fall fall. Falling falling falls Falmouth. False false familiar. family family. fancy fanfares far far, far. fart fart. fart... farted farts farts, fashion fast fast, faster fat fat, fatty, fault, favoured favourites. fear feared; fearful fearful. fearing features fecal feeble feeble, feebleness feed feeder, feeding Feel feel feel, Feeling feeling Feels feels feet feet, fell Felt felt fence fending ferring fever few fibrous, Fickling. fid- fidget fightback fighting figure figure, figures fill Filled filling film film- films. filth. filthy Filthy. final finally finally, find finding fine; finger fingers fingers, finish finished Fire fireplace firm-voiced. firm. First first first, first. fished fit fits fitting five fix fixing flagging flake flaky flapping flappy flaps flash flat flat, flattish; flexible, flitting floats floor floor, Flop flouncy flowers fluff fluorescent flurry. fly fly. focal focus, foil follow food food. food; foot football football; footsteps FOR For for for. Forced fore forefront foreign Foreskin forever. forget forgetting forgotten forgotten, forgotten; form form. form? forms fort fortnight forty forward foun- Found found found. four fourth fraction frame France Frank frank frankly frayed Fred free freelance fresh freshed fretting Fri.; friction Friday Friday. Fridays, friend Friend. friendly friendly, friends friends, friends. friendship friendship, friendships frighten frightened frightening frightens fro; From from front frothing frowning. fruit fruit. fruity frustrated Fuck fucking ful ful; fulfil full full, fumes. fun funded funding funds funds’... funeral funeral. FUNNY Funny, furniture furniture. further furtively fusillade Fussy fussy fussy, future future, future. fuzz g...? gabbled gagging galleries Gallery games gang gang) gar- garden garden, gardening Gardner’s. Garneth(?) Gary gate(?), gaunt, gave general generally generous gentle gentle, gentle... gentleman; gently George German gested get gets Getting getting ghoulish giant gibbered gifts. gigantical- giggling Gill Gill? gimlet ginning. girl girls girls, give given gives giving glad glare glass, glasses glasses, glasses. gleaming glimpses gloom, gloom. gloved gloves, go go, go- go-ahead; go. go...10.00. God God, god, goes goes, goes. Going going going, gold golden golf! gone gone, gone. gone... gone; gone? Good good good, good- gorged gorging gossip. Got got got? gown, GP grab grabbing gracious Graciously, grad- Graham Gran grandson granular graph-paper grass grass. gravity, gravy Great great great, great- greedy; green green-baize-topped grey-pink greys grim grim, gripe gripe, gripes, gripper gripper. gritty gritty, groaned groaned. groaning. groans, groggy, groping ground group group. grow growing growing... gruff, grunting, guaranteed guard. Guardian Guardian, guess, guessed, guests guilt, guilt- guilt. gulping guns, Gupta Gupta, Gupta’s gurgling gusto. gut, guts gyms H H(ilary) H, H. habit!) hacking Had had had!... hadn’t haemoglobin hair hair, hair-brushed hair; hairs). hairs... hairy half half- half-circle half-drunk half-eaten half- expelled... half-person. half-reclining half-sick, half-sleeping half-understood Halfway hall, haloed halving(?) Han- Hancock; hand hand, hand- hand. handful, handhold handing handle hands hands. hankie hap- happen happen, happen. happen? happened happened) happened, happened. happening happening. happens happens.— happier Happy happy haps. hard hard. hard; hard?. harder harder; hardest hardly harm. harpies. Harry Harry, harsh has hasn’t haste. Hastings hasty hate hates hav- Have have have. have? Haven’t haven’t having He he He's He, he? head head, headphones headphones. healing Health health healthy heap hear Heard heard hearing hears heart heartbeats heave heaved heaves heaving. heavy. heels heels, held hell HELLO help help, help. helped helper helper. helpers helping helpless helpless, helplessly helplessly. helplessness Helpline, her her. Here here here, here. here...perhaps here; Heroic heroic herself hesitant, he’d he’ll He’s he’s hibernating hiccups. hid hidden hide hiding high high, high-protein higher hijab, him him, him. him; himself himself, hinge), hint His his hiss, hold holds hole Holiday holidays Home home home, home. Home; home; homeless honey. honour) hooked hooray! hooting hop- Hope hope hope); hope, hope- hope. hopeful hopeless hopeless. hopeless; hopes hoping hopping, horizon horri- horrible horribly horribly. horrific horror hos- hospital hospital, hospital-acquired hospital. hospital; hospitals, hot Hot, hot, hot. hour hour, hour. hour? hours hours, hours. hour’s House house house, house. houses hover-craft How how however, HOW’S hrs. hug). huge humiliation humour hung hurl hurry, hurrying, HURT hurt, husband’s husky husky. hussar. hymns, Hysterical I I, I/do I? I?) ical ically ice-cream ice-cream. icecream idate. idea idea, ie ies, If if iller illness; ily im- imagine imagined imagined. imitate imitating immaculately immediate immediately immi- imminence impa- impacted impatience impatient Imperial importance important impossible. impression improving. IN In in in, in- in-retreat in. in; inadequacy incidental. incidents, include including incom- incompetent incomprehensible. indestructible, Indian Indian, Indian-speaking Indian; Indian’s indigestion indigestion; indisputable indistinct- indistinguishable individual inevitable inevitable. inevitably inevitably, infected, infection infection, infection? infectious influence infuriating infuse ing ing, ing-up ing. ing? ingredients inhaling initial injecting injection injection; injured inmate, inner Inside inside instalment instance, instant instead Institute institutionalised, instruction insufficient insuperable intake.Worried intensive inter- interchangeable interested interested; interesting internal interrupt interrupted interrupted, interrupting interruption intervene intimate, Into into into, into...Life intuition invariably invents invoices ion, Iona irregular irresistible, irritates irritating irritatingly irritation. Is is is, is- is. ise isolate isolation ist, It it it), it, it. it...Rose it; it? its itself itself, itself. it’ll It’s it’s I’D I’d I’LL I’ll I’M I’m I’ve J. J., jacket Janacek’s Jane jaw jeans. jects jerking jingles, Jo, Joan, job job, job. job; jobs John John, JOHN]] Johnson John’s join jolly Jonathan Jones Jones, journal journey journeys joy joyment JR jug juice juicy jumping, JUST Just just just. justice J’s, k-cancer Karen. Kathy Keep keep keeping keeps Kellogg’s Kept kept key kicking, kidnap kidney kidney? kids killers killers, kin kind kind, kind- kindly kindness kinds king- kiss Kit' kitchen kles kneaded knee, kneel- knew knock Knocked knocked knocking know know, know. know? knowing known, knows knuckle-scraping Krisp- Labour laburnum laburnum, lack Lactulose lade. lady laid Lakes, lamp lamp. landing, landlord landscape landscapes Lane language. Lankan, lantern lapse laptop Large large larger larger, Larkin LAST Last last last, lasts. late late. Later later later, later. later... latest Lathers latter laugh laugh... LAUGHING laughing laughter laughter, launch- law lawn; lax. laxative laxative, laxative. laxative; Laxatives laxatives lay layers, laying lead leaks leant leapt learn learned learning least least), least, least. Leather LEAVE leave leave, leaves leaving leaving. lecturing led Left left left? leftovers. left”... leg leg... legal Legs legs legs, legs. leisurely, lens Less less less. less; Let let letter letters letters, letting Let’s let’s level. lever levered levering liaison licence lids lie lie, lie. lied Life life life, life-class; life. life; lifetime’s LIFT lift lift-up: lifted lifting lifts light light, lights LIKE like like, like. like? liked likely likes likes. limbs limit line line, lined lines lingered. link link. lips lips... liquid. lis- list listen Listened listening lit- litres little little, little. live lively lives living local locked logs loll London Loneliness lonely Long long Long, long, long-bearded long. long: long? longer longer. longest longevity look look- looked looking looking, looks looks, loom Looming looming loosen loosened; loss. Lost lost lost, lost. lot Lots lots loud loud). louder(?) loudly LOVE, love- Loved loved loved, Lovely lovely lovely, lovely. loves low luck, luck. luckily, luctant lump, Luna. Lunch lunch Lunch, lunch, lunch. lunch; lunches, lunchtime lunchtime, lunchtime. lunchtimes lung lungs. lurch lurid, lurking. luxuriating LY ly ly: lying L’pool M M, M. ma Mac, machine machine. Macmillan mad mad.... madcap made made. magazine magazine, magazine. magenta. main Mainly make make!’ make-up, makes making male man man, man,(??), man. man.. manage manage, Managed managed management managing manhandled manoeuvre manoeuvring manoeuvring-: Manuka Many many many, man’s March? markable market. marma- marooned. Martin’s marvellous mash mashed mask mass...so matter matter. mattress mattress. mature max; may ME me me) me). me, me. me... me.This me: me; me? me?’, meal meal, meal. meal; meals mean mean? means meant Meanwhile, measured measures, Measuring mechan- medical medicine medium meet meeting meets Mekong mem- members memory memory. men men, men. men... menial ment ment. mentor men’ merely mes- mesh mess mess, mess... message Met met Metcalfe methadone method. Mexican(?) mias- Michael micro-biologist mid- afternoon mid-breakfast midday midnight midnight, might Mike Mike; milkshake. millimetres mind mined mingham mini-eggs minor mins minute minute; minutes minutes, minutes. minutes...back; minutes; mirac- miracle miracles Miriam, mirror, mirrored Mis-match miserable. misery. misfire miss; missed missing mission... mistake; mix MMMMGHAAA MMMMGHAHAHAH mobile mobile, mobile. mode modesty moment moment, moment. momentarily moments moments. Monday Monday. Monet money money?) money’s monitor monkeys, monkeys. monster monster. monster? month, mood More more more!). more(?) more, more. morn- morning morning, morning. morning...felt morning: morphine morphine-based morphine. Most most mostly Mother mother motor motor-bike moun- mournful Mouth mouth mouth, mouth- mouth. mouth... mouthwash mouthwashes mouthwashes, move move, move? moved Movement movement movement, movements movements. moves Movicol. Movicol; moving moving? mow Mr Mr. much much!” much, much. muck mucked mulberry multiple Mum Mum,(who munch munching muscles muscles. Museum. music music. Must must mustn’t muttering mutual My my my- mys- myself myself). myself, myself-) myself: myself? mysteries mystery. N. nails. naked name Name’s nap. nap; narrow narrow-necked Naser. Nathan nationalities, naughtiness, naughty Naz(?)my near NEAR- nearby neat, nebulizer neck, nected; Need need needed needed. needing nei- neigh- neighbour; nent, nervous nervous. nervously ness ness. never never, nevertheless NEW New new news news, news. news: newspa- newspaper, Next next next. next? NICE Nice nice Nick nied night night, night. night: night:- night; nightmare nights night’s ning’s Nirenski, Niz, NO No no No! NO, No, no, No-one no-one No-one’s no-one’s nodding Noir Noir’, noise Noise, noise, noise. noises, Noise’ non-stop none normal normal, normal. nose Nosebag Nosebag. NOT Not not not). not, not. NOTES Notes noth- Nothing nothing nothing, nothing. nothing; notice Noticed noticed novel. NOW Now now Now, now, now. now...she now; Now? nowhere nowhere. no” nuisance num- Numb, Numb. number numbness Nurse nurse Nurse, nurse, Nurse. nurse; Nurses nurses nurses' nurses) Nurses, nurses, nurses. nurses/doctors nut-brown nutritious, NZ O O.T.’s, obedience, object objected objective; oblivion. Observer; obstruction, oc- occasional occupational occupied ocean Odd odd odd, odd-job oddly of off off, off,(along off-balance off. off... off.... off? offered offers Often often often. ogies OH Oh Oh, oh, oil ointment ointment. OK OK, OK. OK: OK? Oklahoma, old old. older omit? On on on, on. on.? on; Once once once- once. One one one, one. one... ones ones. Only only ONTO onto OOOFGH oozes open open, opened opening opera- operation, opin- oppor- opportunities opportunity; opposite opposite, optimism, optimistic, Or or or, or- Oramol Oramorph Oramorph. orchestras ordeal order orders ordinary organised organising originals Orkney, os: ostensibly other other) other, others others: otherwise, ough ought OUP OUP. our Out out out) out, out- out. outside outside. outstanding outstrip over over, over- over. over...Eating over? overall overcrowded overnight overstay overtures overwhelmingly overwhelms own own, Ox- Oxford Oxfordshire, Oxon. oxygen oxygen. P P....?ce pa- package packet packet. packing pad Pain pain pain, pain- pain. pain? painful painful, painful. painkiller painkillers painkillers. Pains pains pains. painter painting paintings; pair pale, paled Palliative pan. pands. Panel panel panic pants paper papers paperwork papier-mache paracetamol/ water parade paragraph paranoid paraphernalia paratrooping, Park Parkinson’s part parted partially particular particularly particularly, parties partly parts passed passed? passing passings paste paste. pastel pastels patchwork pathetic patience patience. patient patient.Vital patients patients), patients: patient’s patrolling pattern pattern. Paul pay PCT peace peaky...” peared Pearl, pebbles pee pee, peeling, peels peer peering peg pen. pencils, Pendulous pendulous-eared pening penis Penny Penny, Penny]] pens pension people people? People’s per per- perate perature perch perched perfect perform Perhaps perhaps perhaps, perhaps. persistent, person person. personalised persuade Persuaded persuaded pest petence petering PG Pharaoh. pharmacy Phd., phenomenon Philip Philippian phlebotomy Phone phone phone, phone-call phone. phone; phonecall phonecall: photo photographed photographs. Phyllis phys- physi- Physio physio physio. physio? physios physiotherapy piano pic- Picking pict. picture picture, picture; pictures. pie piece pile pile, piled(?), pill pill. pillow pillow? pillows pillows. PILLS Pills pills pills, pills. ping, pink pinpoint piss, pital pital- pital. pitifully. pity place place, plain? plan planch- planchest plans planted planting plasters, plastic plate plate. platform player, playing playing, plays Please please pleased pleasure, pled plenty plots plumbing. plumped plus pm. pneumonia poached Poetry poetry Poetry: poetry: poets point point) pointed pointment points points, points. poked poking pole, polished polishing polite Polynesian pomegranate poo pool. Poor poor poor, pop popped porcelain porridge Porsche Porters porters portion portions) portraits pos- posedly poses, position position, position. positioned positive positive, possibility possible POSSIBLY possibly pot pot. potato. potent pouring powder powder, Power Powerful practised practising prayer, prayer. pre- predictably, premonitions prepara- preparation. prepared pres- prescription presence presence, present presents press Press) pressed pressing, pressure pressure, presumably pretty pretty-doll prevent price. pricked Primary print print- printing prior prize Pro- pro- proba- probably problem problem; procedure....What process professional programmes. progress progress. Prokofiev, promise promised prompt prompt, proof, prop- properly propped prospect protect protected protein protested, Proth- Proth. Protheroe Protheroe, Protheroe’s Protheroe’s. proud proved provided provisional prunes). published pudding puddle puff puffed pulled pulled. pulling Pullman, pulse pulsing Pumbro purpley-chocolate; purposes push pushed pusher pusher; pushes pushing pushing; put putting pyjama pyjamas pyjamas, python P’s Q. quarter quarter, queries. question questioned questions questions. questions? qui- quick Quick, quicker quickly quickly. Quiet quiet quiet, quiet- quiet. quieter quite Quixote Quixote, R R, R. R., Rac Rac. rac. race Rachmaninov Raconteur raconteur, Radio radio radio, radio. Radiotherapy radiotherapy radiotherapy. rafting rag. rage. railway rained. raise raised? raked ram ram- Rammed ran Rang rang rapped raspberries. raspberry-colour, ratatouille rate rate... rates rather rating ration, Rattle rattling re- re-inflate, re-prescribing re. reac- reach reaction reaction: read read, Reading reading reading, readings readings, reads ready ready... real real, real- real... realisation realisations. Realise realise realise. realised Realistically, realistically, Really really reared Rearranging rearranging reason reasonable reassess reassurance, reassured reassures reassuring recall received recent recently recently, reckoning recliner recognisable. recollect- recommended reconcile reconciled recover recover, recovered red redundancy Reeda Reena. reflection. refused regard regular regulate rehydra- rehydration related relatively relax relaxed relaxed, relentless relief relief! relief. relish reluctance reluctance. reluctant remarkable remembering remind reminder remorseless removal removed removed. rending renew repeat repeating report requested requesting required research resented. resettling reshaping resign- resignation... resist, resistant resisted resisting resolutely resolution, respond responded response responses Rest rest rest. rest... Rest...’, restless; restlessly restricted Results results resumes... resuscitated retentiveness retired). Return return returned returning returning, rev..?ed revealed revelling reversal reversal, reverse. reviewed revving rhythm, Rice rice Richard rid ride rides, ridiculous Right right ring ringing rings rings, rings. rinsing rip risk river Roberts’ rock rocks rodent. rogation. ROLL rolled roller rolling rolling, rollings rolls roof-line room room, room. room.. room: room; rooms rooms, roped Rose rose Rose, Rose. Rose; Rose’s rotten rough round round(?) roused rousing rove Rowie, rows, Roy rubber rude rugby, rum- Rumbles ruminating rumours, run runners running running, running. rush Russian?, rustling rustling, R’s S S. sad sad, Sadly sadly sadness safely saga: sage said said, Saline saline saline/glucose saliva, saliva. Sally Sally) Sally, salt salty, Same same same, same. sample Samples sank, Sat sat Saturday Saturday, sauntering sausages. savage-looking save savings savour. saw say say, say? saying saying, saying. says scallywags scamp- scan scan, scan; scarf scarf, scarf. scary scenarios scenes schoolboys’ scouts scrabbling scrape scraping screen screens, scribbling scurrying seal seat seating second seconds. seduced(?) See see see; seeing seem seem, seemed seeming seems seems. seen see’, select self self-obsessed, self-pity. self-pity: self-pitying self- pitying, self-portrait. self-taught selfish Selfish, semi–successful send sends Sennett, Senokot, Senokot. sensation sensations sense sensi- sensitive sensitive, sensuous, sent sequence ser- series serious serious, serious? seriously serve servicing. session sessions sessions, set set-up sets settings. settle settled settled, settled. settles. settling seven several sexy Shall shallow Shame shame shame. shameful shames shampooing shape shaped share share, shared shav- shaved shaver She she shed SHEET sheet sheets, sheets. shepherd’s she’d she’ll She’s she’s shift shift, shift. shifts shifts, shines shipwrecked. shirt SHIT Shit shit shitsmell. shock shock. Shocked shocking shoe-shine(?). shook shop, shop- shopping shopping. short short, short- sleeved shortage. shortening shorts Shos- Shostakovich shot Should should shoulder, shouldn’t shouldn’t, shouting... shouty shove shovelling show showed shower showing shown shown, shows shrinking shrivelled shrub shrubs shrubs, shuffles, shuffling shufflings, shunt shut shut-down. shut. sibilant sibility sible SICK Sick sick sick, Sick’. side side, side-effects side-effects. side-room, side? sides sides. sideways, sight sight. sight: sighting sign sign, signs silence silently silver, similar similar-shaped Simon Simon, Simon. simple Since since Sinfonietta, sing singing single single-handed sinking sip sisters, sit site. sits Sitting sitting situation skates skin skin, skip Skirt skirt, sky, sky. SL slamming, slams, Slavonic SLEEP sleep sleep, sleep- short sleep. sleep... sleep; Sleep? sleeping sleeps sleepy Slept slept, slept. slew slice slices slid SLIDE slide sliding slight Slightly slightly slim slimy slip slipping slips, sliver slow slow- slow-release slowed slower slowly slowly, slumped small smaller smaller-sized smart smear smell smell. smells smelly smoke smoke. smoking smoothie snacking snailed snatching Snooker snooker snorer snores snot, So so so, so-called so. so; so? soap, Sobell social socks sofa sofa, soft soft-spoken soften softened softly, sol- solitary, solution solvable? Some some some, some- Somehow somehow Someone someone someone, Someone’s somesuch, Something something something, something. something; something’s sometime Sometimes sometimes somewhere somewhere, somewhere. song. sons Soon soon soon, soon-. soon. sooner SORE sore sore. soreness soreness? sorer; sores sores, sores. SORRY sorry!’ sort sorted sound sounded sounding sounds soup. soup/custard Southern space spaces spacious spacious, spatters spe- speak speak, speak? speaking speaking, speaks special specialist specimen speech. speed speeds spell spend spending spent spillage spillage. spillages spine spine. spines spirit spirit. spit spit- spite spitting. spittoon splatter, split! splurged spluttering. spoke spoonful spoonfuls spot spraying, spread spread, spreading Spring spring Spring! spurt spurt. spurting spurts... square squatted squirm. squirming squirted squitch! squits Sri sta- stab stable, stack staff staff, staff. stage? stages staggered Staggering staggering stairs stairs: stalemate. stamping?, stand stand-and-swivel standing standing, stantly Star-Trek stare staring start start, start- start. Started started starting starts state state. state? Station. statue stay stayed stead steamed step step, stepping stereo sterile stew stick stick. sticking sticks stiff stiffness Still still still, still. stimulate stinking stir stir-fry; stock stocks stoicism? stomach stomach, stone stones stood stools stooping stop stopped stopped. storm story straight straight, straightway strange strange). strange. strangely strangely, straw. streams strength strength. strengthening stretched stricted striding stripes striving stroll strolling, Strong strong stronger? struggle Struggling struggling stub- stubby, stuck student, studied studs stuff stuff, stuff. stuff; stuffing stuffy stumbled stumped Stupid stupid style subjected submitted substance subtitles Success success success! success. success; successful successful; successfully successfully. succession Such such sud- sudden sudden, Suddenly suddenly suddenly, sues, suffered sufferers. Sufficiently sug- sugar suggest suggested suggestion suing suit summon Sun sun sun, Sun- Sunday Sunitinib Sunitinib. sunk Sunshine, sup- superficial superficially, supper supper. suppertime supplement support support. support...Morning’s Suppose suppose suppose. supposed supposedly suppositories suppressed sure sure, sure. Surely surely surface surfaces surfeit surg- surge surgeon surgery surging surging. surprise surprised surprising surprising. surprisingly survey survive suspecting suspense. suspiciously Sutenin(?) Sutent Sutent. Sutent? Sutin. Suzette, swal- swallowing Sweat sweat sweat, Sweating sweaty sweaty, sweaty? sweet sweet, Swilling Swindon, Swine swinging switch swivel-round Swollen swollen swollen), swollen. symptom syrup system t...?.. T?? table table, table. table: tablet tablet) tablets tabs tabs; tain tain, tained take take, taken Takes Taking taking taking, takovich, talc. Tales Talk talk talk, talk- talk. talked talking talking, talking. talks tangled taps taste taste. Tastes taut tax, tea tea, tea. tea? teaching: tearful. tearfulness, tearing tears tears, tears. teased teddy teeth teeth, telescope. tell telling tells tem- temper. temperature temperature. ten tender tenham. tening ter terms. Terrible terrible terrific terrifies terrifying, Terrifying. tery test test, Tested testicles tests texture; than thank thanked THANKS THAT That that that, that. that; that? THAT’S That’s that’s THE The the thee Their their them them, them. them; them? THEN Then then Then, then, then....it’s ther therapist therapy. There there there, there. there? There’s there’s theroe these thetic thetic. They they they? they’d they’ll they’re They’ve they’ve thigh thighs thighs? thin thing thing, thing. thing.... Things things things, things. THINK think think, think. thinking thinking. thinks third THIS This this this, this. this; this? thor- thorough those Though though though! though, Thought thought thought, thought. thoughtful thoughtfully thoughts thoughts; thousand tho’ threatening, threatening. three throat throat. through through, throw throws thrush thrust Thurs- Thursday thus tick-tock tidied tidy tidy-up tie, tient ties tight tight, till TIME time time, time. time...what time? times times, times. times; timid Timing Tina tina tinitis. tinkling Tino, tiny tiny, tion tion. tion.Rose tional? tions Tips tips tired tired. tis- tivated... tivity tle TLS. TO To to to, to. to? toast toast, tobacco Today today today). today, today. today; today’s toes, together together, together. together? toi- toilet toilet, toilet. Told told told. tolerate. Tom Tom, tomers tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow. tomorrow? ton Tongue tongue Tonight tonight tonight/tomorrow tonsil, Tony Tony, Tony... Too too too-early too. too? Took took toon Top top top, topics tormenting torpedo. torrent torso torture torturing tossing total totally touch touch. touching touchingly towards tr..? track. traffic traffic, trans- transfer transfer, transferred transfers transfers, transfusion transfusion, transfusion. transparency trapped, trapped. tray tray, tray. treatment treatment. Treatments treats tree tree-tops trees trees, trem- trembling tremendous tremor tribe, trickling. tricky Tried tried Tries tries trigger trigger-hair triggered trilogy. trimmer, trip tripping triumph triumphs, trolley... trolleys trouble trough troupe trousers, true; truffing(?) trussed trust Trust, truth try Trying trying trying. tryptian(?) tube Tuesday Tuesday, Tuesday. Tuesday’s tug tugged Tumour tumour, tunity Tupperware ture turned turner turning turns turntable TV tween twice twice-a-day twist. Twister twister Twister, twitching; twittering Two two two, two. type, Typical typical tyrant ually, UGH Ugly ulcerous ulous UM UMAH un- una- unable unassisted uncomfortable uncomfortable. uncomfortably unconscious Under under underestimated undergoing. understand understanding understanding. underway undo undoubtedly, undress uneasy. unexpected unexpectedly unfair, Unfortunately uniform. uninterrupted University unless unlike unmistakable unofficial unplug unre- unreliable. unsignalled until UP Up up up) up, up- up. up... up: up; up? upon. upright upright, upset upset. upsetting upstairs urged urgent urgent, urgent- urging urinating urine urine, US us us, us. us? use Used used used, used/employed(?) used? useless useless) uses ushered using Usual usual usual) usually Utter utter utterly utters UUUUU V.S.I.’s, vain. value van. various Vaseline Vast vastly veg. vehemently vein Venice Venice, verdict verdict. Veronika versation...drawn versions vertical vertical. vertigo... Very very via viable vicar vicar, vicar; vice, vice. victory view view, vigil vinyl violin- visible visible, visit visit, visit? visited visitor, visitors visitors, visitors. visitors; visits vital Vital: vivid voice voice, voice. volcanic volume vomit, vomited vomitingvomiting, VSI W-P W. W.S. WAAAGH wafts waggle Wagon’ wait waited Waiting waiting waits wake Waking waking walk walk, walk. walked walking Walking, walking, walking. wall walls, wandering WANT Want want wanted wanting wanting? wants Ward ward ward, Ward-Perkins ward. warm warmer warned Warnford wars. Was was was, was. Wash wash wash, wash-up... wash. wash; washed washing; wasn’t wasted wasting, wasting. Watch watch watch, watchdog, Watched watched watching water water, water. water; Watery wave wavebands. WAY way way, way. ways We we we?. weak weak, wearing wears Wednesday Weds week week. weekend weekend, weekend. weekends weeks weeks! weeks). weeks, weeks; week’s weep weep- weeping Weeping, weepy weepy. weighing weight WELL well Well, well, well-made, well-meaning well-paid well: Wen- Wenning’s went went, wept wept. were weren’t West wet we’d WE’LL we’ll We’ve we’ve What what what, what... what? Whatever whatever WHAT’S What’s what’s what’s-her- name wheel wheel- wheelchair wheelchair, wheelchair. wheeled whelming whelped When when whenever Where where WHERE? whereas wherever where’s whether which whiffle. while while, while,’ while. whining, whistling white white. who whole Whole,3/4? wholehearted whoompf! who’d who’s Why why Why? why? wide- wife wife, wiggle wiggled wiggles. WILL Will will will, Willa wind window, windows windows, winds. windy wine winning wipe wipes wiping wired wireless wish wishes wisps with with, with- withdrawing withdrawn....but Within within without wizened wobbled wobbly Woke woke woke. Woken woman woman, woman’s women women, Women’s won- wonder wondered WONDERFUL Wonderful wonderful wonderful; wondering won’t wood wooden Woodstock, word word. word: words words. work work- work. worked worked. worker working works works, world Worried worried worry worry, worry- worry. worry: worse worse, worse. Worst worst Would would wouldn’t wreck wrestle wrestling wrin- wrist write write, write. writhed writhing writing writing, wrong wrong, wrong. wrote WUUGHAGH X-Ray X-ray year year, year; years years, years. year’s yell yell- yelled YES yes Yes, yesterday yesterday, yesterday. yesterday’s yet yet, yet. ygen yoghurt Yorks.; YOU You you you, young young, youngish. YOUR your yourself. Zimmer. zooming | £50 £250 £1000 – ‘Band ‘buts’, ‘difficile’ ‘emergency ‘Film ‘gentlemen’ ‘hello’ ‘ifs’ ‘I’m ‘Lost’. ‘No ‘No, ‘palpitation’ ‘Partie ‘rocket’ ‘rose’ ‘The ‘There ‘vibrate’, ‘what ‘why ‘You ’this “Have “now “Oh “Thank “You
Passing through the CENTRAL THIRD of the screen, the bed slows to a something that feels like 240fps or thereabouts. This is pretty much identical to the iPhone’s slo mo, including the ramping from full- to slow-motion and back again.
Sound of rustling sheets; whoosh of air; SFX accompaniment of ramping temporality.
Crashes to the floor, right-ways up, on its feet, if awkwardly.
Bedclothes fall after it. Sheet billowing down somewhat.
Everything moving and reacting with material accuracy as much as possible. Nothing too gratuitous.
A trickle turns into a full *collapse* of soil. Not sure how this will look – how a huge amount of soil falling looks... Spotlight rather pointlessly picking out an area of the falling soil.
No slow motion in here, just falling through the space. Probably some mounting sub to connote the amount of soil. A roar of SFX.
No dust, as damp?
10 seconds of a pretty solid trickle. 3 second cessation
5 seconds of vast amount
Then, a deluge with, presumably, all the audible overwhelm of a landslide.
Again, the shot should SLOW to a near pause in the middle.
Then carton follows, dropping after.
Pause of 2 seconds
Second ladder follows similarly, not open, not copying the same angle or rotation of fall.
Second ladder same
Perhaps slo-mo when the screen has jeans at every height, the whole screen slows for 5 seconds.
Perhaps slo-mo when the screen has bricks at every height, the whole screen slows for 5 seconds.
9. Books. As many as the duration calls for. https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-book-set-model/985650 –– but to be honest, I’m not sure how this would be possible, inasmuch as the pages flapping about seems a problem. Thoughts welcome. 1:1 scale
Then real-time raining books for 10 seconds.
Then barrel and cork follow.
Smoke a little, sparks as the fuse goes down. Hiss of the fuse.
25. Dry ice. A curtain of it falling, swirling; spotlight searching. Spilling down the mound, rolling off the stage.
No slo-mo. Fade out. Silent, just acoustic changing. Perhaps sub.
Tumbling, turning. Flap of cardboard SFX
No slo-mo, just drifting, one, then the other, close to one another
Filling with unseen wind, snagged a little
Rippling fabric sounds
Rippling and resting sounds.
Nothing on the TVs, cables trailing.
No specific sound, perhaps the cable whip a little Whoosh
Creak and low whip of rope
Sound of aerosol, foam detaching in the drop, a little.
A pretty obvious reference: the frogs in Magnolia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCJsZBK1JKE –– gross in their unflinchingness as they hit full-speed.
Filling the central area of the screen in a widening column
A thin stream turns to an inundation
Tinkle of sand grains and then rumble of huge movement
Dry slight clatter
The chord, the sound, is sustained, decays over the PAUSE of 20 seconds.
Thunder cracks, then a deluge.
Acoustics change, distant howl of wind?
Flaring flame sounds, spinning wind in flame rush. See 2.04 here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/ x1a38xq Some smoke.
Audio cables trailing.
Perhaps lightly spinning as they descend. Creaking of rope, off-screen winch squeaking. After speakers are placed on the BOTTOM screen, ropes return up the screen
Audio cables dropped once speakers are settled, trailing off-stage.
Ropes detach and are winched quickly up.
One speaker either side of the stage, flanking where the mound’s going to grow.
The sound of an amp being turned on, a buzz of connection.

Refuse.exe is a two-channel realtime 3D simulation, authored in a custom version of the Unreal Engine: a software development environment used to make video games.
Each run-through of Refuse.exe is unique. The objects drop in the same sequence and at the same time per play through – but their movement while dropping, their landing and their accumulation differs every time, at the whim of the physics simulated.
Refuse.exe is a play about things returning – downwardly mobile, scurf maybe upcycled from industrial nowt to cultural significance or.
Refuse is a homonym, remaining unresolved in text. It signifies at least both unwilling and trash, the meaning reconciled in speech only.
Refuse.exe is a real-time, quasi-proprietarily generated and simulated animation of misc. stuff falling through a building to a stage and piling up. Every performance is unique.
Refuse.exe dramatises the return of repressed, deferred and otherwise figured things, by way of a play as a computer program.
Refuse.exe is a play reduced to crude, barely a diagram:
Each performance is unique. The simulation makes for a managed chaos where the fall, collision and cumulation of stuff is peculiar every time. No two performances of the application
Refuse.exe IMPOVERISHES redemption, grace, material recuperability? Refuse.exe is performed by a sprawling cast of CG stuff.
'Refuse' is cumulative.
Lists are the essential form of this play.